Situated on a sharp cliff on the northern coast of the island, Kavirio gives view to Samothraki and is built at the entrance of Ifestia port, the town which commanded it. The sanctuary was protected by a long wall and included large initiation halls, the “telestirion”. This place is the oldest initiation sanctuary in Greece. It was devoted to the worship of Kaviri, children of Hephaestus and Kaviro, demons of fire and metallurgy, fertility, wine and sea.
It was here that all sacraments concerning nature’s rebirth were held. According to the legend, women who couldn’t have children came here to earn fertility by sacred ceremonies.
Under the Kavirio sanctuary one can find the cave where Filoktitis, one of Homer’s heroes lived for 12 years, abandoned by Achaeans on the way to Troy, because he was bit by a snake.
Through Kontopouli
Tue – Sun: 8.00 – 15.00
Tel: 22543 50700